How To Disable Automatic Download Of OTA Updates On Android Phone

Bunches of you have been requesting that how cripple programmed OTA upgrades… loads of you encountered programmed OTA redesign and you truly don't care for it most particularly those of you utilizing gadgets that backings Android 6.0 Marshmallow overhaul.

I'm going to give you a straightforward aide on the best way to handicap programmed OTA reports on your Android gadgets. Infinix hot 2 has really given a considerable measure of individual migraine, sorrow and moneyache however don't stress, I'll make this aide straightforward and simple for none techy fellows.


= Make beyond any doubt your gadget is rooted…
= Download Disable services from google play here 

Once you’ve ensure you have the above in place, then you can go ahead with the steps below

1. Launch the application you downloaded “disable services” 

2. Click on system tab
3. Scroll down to Google play services and click on it. You’ll see lists of google play services 

4. Scroll down to SystemUpdateService>>> Tap it and wait..

5. Grant disable service Super User priviledge by tapping grant.
6. SystemUpdateService should now be unticked and in red, meaning it is disabled 

You can then return back to your home screen and never expect any further OTA updates on your Mediatek Android devices. But note that if by any means you want to update to the latest OS, you’ll need to unroot your device, then download the OTA and install. 

Hope its understandable?


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  1. Noted and thanks for sharing.
