Tutorial On How To Unlock Xiaomi Mi4S Bootloader, Install Custom ROMs And Multiple Languages

The vast majority of the new Xiaomi telephones that are currently accessible in the business sector have one basic issue and that is a bolted boot loader. This has been excessively troubling for worldwide fanatics of the brand, an open answer for the freshest Xiaomi Mi4S gadget has been given by a [Chinese firm www.shop.gizchina.com]
With the aide on this post, you can unquestionably open the boot loader of Xiaomi Mi4S along these lines making it feasible for you to begin introducing TWRP, ROMs, and various dialects on the telephone.
This instructional exercise is not in any methods expected for unlawful acts rather it is for instructive purposes and for better execution of your telephone.
I am not in charge of any harm or issues with your gadget on the off chance that you take after this instructional exercise the wrong way. Ensure you utilize Windows 64-Bit on the grounds that if do it with a 32-Bit Windows, you might experience this blunder " insufficient storage to process this order".
So on the off chance that you are frightened of tweaking and your brain doesn't feel truly certain with modding your Android telephones, satisfy this post is not for you but rather in the event that you are certain of what you are doing, normal!!! Tail me along.
==> I urge you to make a backup of your telephone information
==> Make beyond any doubt your Xiaomi telephone battery is charged to no less than 80%
=> Download and install the MiFlash here
=> Download and extract ROM and Tools here
Steps To Unlock The Boot Loader And Install Multiple Languages
==> Switch off your Xiaomi Mi 4S phone
==> Navigate to fastboot mode by pressing and holding Volume Down and Power button together for about 6 seconds
==> Just click on the Mi4S EDL.cmd, and this will make your phone to enter in EDL download mode with Red Led.

==> Refresh it and you will see COMXX in the Device, Now press “Flash”

==> The flashing process will start and once the flashing process is done completely, just remove the usb chord

==> Now press and hold Power Button until it Vibrates. Your phone will start, wait for it till completion, this can take up to 12 Minutes so be patient.
We are done! Now your new Xiaomi Mi 4S device is unlocked with Multilanguage enabled.
Meanwhile, if you want to have TWRP recovery installed, simply follow the step 1 to go to fastboot mode again, and from there, run the Mi4S TWRP.cmd.
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