How To Fix SnapChat Data and Battery Drain Issues

I've started using SnapChat few days ago because of a reason best known to me. But recently, i discovered that this SnapChat app is such a battery consumer, just like the official Facebook app that drains battery like mad.

Today, I've discovered a simple trick in which you can follow to minimize how SnapChat consumes your battery. This simple guide will put a stop to SnapChat battery drain issue. Kindly follow me along.

Whenever you enable travel mode, you save data and indirectly, your phone battery life. Do you know why? SnapChat app continuously preload Snaps and stories in the background even without your consent but once you enable travel mode, this background process stops thereby prolonging your data incase you are not on an unlimited plan and also helps save your phone battery life.

How To Enable Travel Mode on SnapChat

==> Launch your SnapChat app
==> Swipe down to access the main menu
==> Tap the Gear icon on the top right corner
==> Scroll down a bit and select “Manage Preferences
==> Finally, enable the “Travel Mode” option. ==> Once this is done, Snapchat won’t preload snaps or stories until you click on them.


Snapchat usually check for location updates in the background. This feature is one of the heaviest battery drainers in any smartphone. It drains your battery even when you are not using the app. It makes use of the Geo-filers

How To Disable Geo Location Permission on SnapChat

==> Go to applications in your android settings
==> Select Snapchat
==> Then choose ‘Permissions.’ Once that is selected, just disable the location option and confirm your choice when prompted.

Henceforth, you won’t use Geo-filters anymore. This is as simple like ABC. If you followed my above steps, then you just saved 10% of battery and data drain issues caused by SnapChat app.

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