You can now Compare Two Phones Specifications on Google Search

Device comparison has been spotted on Google Search in some countries. This feature allows you to compare two phones specifications via a neat comparison chart in output.

This feature is quite useful for those who want a quick comparison of two smartphones and as well check the difference between both compared phones.

To use this feature, you just have to type in a query like 'Pixel 2 vs Pixel 2XL' and Google will display a quick comparison chart. You can expand the chart by hitting the blue button, and there's even an option to highlight differences.

Currently, you can only compare only two phones at a time. You can't compare more than two phones. This feature is yet to be made official by Google as we are still anticipating the official statement regarding this feature from the Mountain View, California-based company.

If you are already seeing this feature and you have used it, kindly share with us your experience using the comment section below.

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  1. Nice development.

  2. Yh.. I tried it out.. Works like hell ✌

  3. Google with their invention

  4. The Google guys are really good at what they do; search. It's a great idea and one more step ahead of their rivals.

    Big kudos.

  5. Google is always improve and it will always

  6. Daret9/11/17

    Good update

  7. Yea. I noticed it too, when I googled up the differences between Infinix Hot Note 4 and Tecno L9

  8. nice info., thanks
